Calendar of Events







Thank you

Highland Games 2014 Knights of St. Andrew Bus Trip

Just added is the calendar for the Detroit Scots which host the Highland Games.
Only 115 days until the Highland Games.  START THE COUNTDOWN!
More information for reservations will be available soon for the Knights of St. Andrew bus trip.

2013 Diabetic Kids Camp

Thank you to our volunteers!

Congratulations on your retirement!

Thank you to Sgt Koch & SSgt Roger (retired) for an eye opening evening of the life of a Tactical Explosive Detector Dog.
We are grateful for your service and sacrifices.
We all wish a happy retirement to Roger, filled with plenty of tennis balls and lots lazy afternoon on the couch.

*hat tip.

Shrine Circus

Guess what is coming to Toledo?

If you can guess which animal this is above, then you need
to be sure to attend the 63rd Annual Zenobia Shrine Circus.

March 20-23 at the Seagate Convention Center

2nd Arch Kenton Inspection Update

Companions of the 2nd Arch,

The date of inspection for Kenton Council
has been changed to April 1, 2014.

Please update your calendars.

Donor Program

I.C. Henry A. Dodson
Donor Program Chaiman
I.C. Dodson and his little sister both developed Scarlet Fever
when he was 4 years old. In later years that had a damaging
effect on his heart. His father had a fatal heart attack when
he was 66 years old. Henry knew that he was going to have
to take care of himself. He became a dedicated runner, did
not smoke, was not overweight and watched his diet. But
in 1982 at the age of 47, he had a heart attack which led to
 open heart surgery.

    All went well for fifteen years and then in April 1997 at
the age of sixty two he needed another open heart operation.
This time things did not go well. He spent all spring and
summer in and out of the hospital.

    On September 2, 1997 the doctors told him that his heart
damage was very extensive and the he probably only had
three or fiur months to live. They suggested that he go to
the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, for a possible heart
transplant. He believed that it was the end for him. The pain
and sickness and not being able to eat or sleep were so
unbearable that he prayed to God to end it all.

    God's answer was "NO". He was placed on a waiting list
for six weeks and on October 9, 1997 he received a transplant.
The donor was a young man of seventeen.

    What it has done for him would be hard to explain. If it
had not been for that young man and The Organ Donation
Program, he would not have been able to receive the gift of
life and tell his story.

     Henry has traveled the State of Ohio lecturing to both
masonic and non-masonic groups. He has recently received
the Senior Citizen of the Year Award from the Medical
Advisory Council of Ohio for his volunteer efforts in promoting
organ and tissue donations.

    Henry and his wife Shirley live in Bellbrook, Ohio. They
have been married for more than fifty three yaers and have
two adult children. Henry served in the United States Navy
and retired from Delco-Moraine with 22 years of service.

2013 Findlay Council Diabetic Kids Rest Stop

Just a few of our helpers at the 2013 Findlay Council Diabetic Kids Rest Stop Fund Raiser Memorial Day Weekend. 

Thank you to all our companions, friends and families that supported us to make this year a record year.

70 Year Member Willis Gossman

Kilroy was here!

Yes, Lady Lin Tai-Drebert actually found Kilroy while on the 2013 Flag City Honor Flight.

Flag City Honor Flight 2013

Findlay Companions supported the 2013 Flag City Honor Flight and welcomed back our veterans.  IM Ron Drebert and Companion Rick Eakin were also guardians on the flight.  Companion Drebert was the white bus director in Washington D.C. and Companion Eakin was our driver from the Findlay Masonic Complex to the Grand Air Terminal in Toledo for the guardians and the veterans.

October 2012 News

Welcome back Companions,
Thank you for visiting Findlay Council blogspot.  The quarterly newsletter may not provide up to date information due to dates/times changing for events, so check back here often.
The Inspection schedule for the 2nd Arch is being finalized and will be posted here once complete.

We are asking for all members and their families to attend our dinners beginning at 6:15pm before each of our regular meetings on the first Tuesday of every month.  Our next meeting will be on Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 8:30pm, following the Findlay Chapter meeting at 7:30pm.  Next month is companion car pool month so bring along a companion who has not attended recently for both the dinner and meetings.
To: All Cryptic Companions
Join in the fun and fellowship at the 183rd Annual Assembly of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons of Ohio October 7-9, 2012 at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center in Sandusky, Oh.
Registration will be open from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday and continue at 7 a.m. Monday. Grand officers will welcome all companions and ladies Sunday evening at an informal Kilimanjaro reception.
The business sessions will be Monday and Tuesday mornings. Ladies will depart at 10:30 a.m. Monday for luncheon and program at Mon Ami Winery. The Grand Master will present awards at the grand banquet Monday evening. An informative school of instruction and the Order of Silver Trowel will be Monday in the hotel.  The installation of officers should conclude the Grand Assembly by noon Tuesday.

Bring your membership card and apron.  If you have a question relative to the Grand Council Annual Assembly, please contact your 2nd Arch Inspector, Jerry Haupert or the Grand Council office (937) 260-4523, email

Ron Drebert

Findlay #50 Council Officers

IM: Ron Drebert
DM: Steve Roth
PCW: Robert Grandbois
Trea: J. Avery Evinger
Rec: David Roth
C of G: Lance Stevens
C of C: Rick Eakin
Steward: Thomas Defriese
Sentinel: Linnville Taggart
Chaplain: Oscar Schultz

Degree Fees: $20
Annual Dues: $20
Due on June 1st

July 2012 News

Greetings Companions, friends, and guests;
Thank you for visiting the blogspot.  The quarterly newsletter inheriently may not provide up to date information due to dates/times changing for events, so check back often. 
Summer is now upon us; families grilling outdoors, walking the dogs, and simply enjoying the sunsets.
This is our time as a council to reflect on the past year and begin a new one.  Thank you to Illustrious Companion Tim Roth and the line of officers serving this last year.  Now we begin a new year.  Our goals must include growth for you as a companion of your council, events encouraging participation of our families, support of the 2nd Arch, and support of the Grand Council to include activities promoting and raising awareness for the Diabetic Kids Camp and the campership programs.
First, we will continue to have a program or guest speaker with the carry in dinner beginning at 6:15pm before our regular stated meetings at 7:30pm on the first Tuesday of each month.  Our programs have included magicians, historical lectures, law enforcement speakers, military veterans programs, and costume period enactors with the kids enjoying the magician, swords and armor.
Second, your attendance at meetings and events is not only important but vital for us to continue as a council, and yes one more companion can make a difference.  Mark your calendar now to attend at least one meeting or event per quarter.  We will have our inspection this year in the Super Excellent Master degree and your part big or little will help.  If you have not attended a meeting in the past two years, why not?  The Success of your Council, Findlay #50 depends on you.
Third, communications for council meetings, special events, dinners etc will continue and be expanded through a calling post system which utilizes a phone message sent to the council members.  Please contact me to have these messages sent to you to receive the most up to date information on council activities.
Ron Drebert
Illustrious Master

2nd Arch Annual Reunion & Meeting


The annual Arch Reunion and Arch meeting have been scheduled for Saturday July 14th, 2012 at the historic Ohio Caverns.   All Companions of the 2nd Arch and their families are invited to attend.  The lower shelter house is reserved for us and the Arch will provide hot dogs, burgers, buns, and drinks. Everyone should bring a favorite covered dish or dessert. Lunch is at noon and the Arch's Annual meeting will be at 2:00.  There are many activities available for a small fee.  Directions and information can be found by cutting and pasting the following address into your browser:  

The Annual Second Arch meeting at 2:00 PM will be for the purpose of election and installation of Arch officers for the 2013 year. We are looking to strengthen the Second Arch and need an officer core to help make this possible. We need the help of each Council in the Arch, so attend and be a part of this important process. The success of the Arch depends on you!

Please RSVP to Steve Adams <> by Monday, July 9th, 2012. 
Steven L. Adams, President
Second Arch Officers Association 
5650 Georgetown Verona Rd
Lewisburg, OH 45338
(937) 286-6911

Hope to see you all there for this fun event.

Ron Drebert
Illustrious Master
Findlay Council #50

Masons at work for the kids

Sent while moving not sitting.

Officers 2011-2012

Greetings Companions:
As the newly elected Illustrious Master, I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to serve Findlay Council for the 2011-2012 year.

Your Findlay Council Officers for the year are: Timothy Roth, IM; Charles Insley, Deputy Master; Ron Drebert, PCW; J. Avery Evinger, Treasurer; David Roth, Recorder; Steve Roth, Captain of the Guard; Robert Grandbois, Conductor of Council; Rick Eakin, Steward and Cody Hancock, Sentinel.
Findlay Council will be dark for the months of June, July, and August and will return to full operation on the first Tuesday of September (9/6/11). We hope to see many companions as possible and not just for the first meeting, but all the meetings for the up coming year.

August 5th is the start of the Diabetic Kids Camp at Camp Berry. Please help this worth while cause with support or volunteering at the Camp.
Remember to keep the last week in August open and help Drive the golf carts @ the Fair. All the money earned from driving will be split between the Masonic Bodies. Hope to see as many Companions as possible to help drive. The sign-up sheets will be available at the Complex. All who are planning to drive will be contacted as to a date for a meeting and greet with the Fair Board to go over any concerns or questions. The Fair runs from August 31st thru September 5th.

The web page will still be maintained, and is a great source for information as well as “

See ya in September
Timothy D. Roth, Illustrious Master

Flag City Honor Flight Masonic Connections

The Flag City Honor Flight hub held its first flight was on June 8Th, 2011 and many Findlay Masonic Veterans were on the flight with the support of area Masonic brothers and as guardians. 78 total WWII Veterans were on the flight to see the WWII Memorial in Washington DC., built in their honor.

The Findlay Masonic Temple was the staging area for veterans and guardians to meet at 5am and then travel in an escorted caravan to the Grand Aire Terminal in Toledo for the flight departure. Transportation was provided in part by Bliss Charters with our very own Brother Rick Eakin as our driver. Brother Ron Drebert and wife Lin Tai-Drebert as Team Leader and Bus Leader were also on the flight. Many other brothers including Chuck Insley, Dave Schneider, and Jeremy Sharninghouse took an active role in the support of this flight by transporting the veterans to the Findlay Masonic Complex at 5am and again home after midnight upon our return.

Masonic Brothers and Veterans on this flight were Willis Gossman, (accompanied by his son Brother Roger Gossman), Emmett Clements, and Melray Aldrich from Findlay, and Russell Snyder, (accompanied by his son Brother Daniel Snyder) from Tiffin.

For more information on Flag City Honor Flight contact Brother Ron Drebert or visit the website:

Findlay Council & Chapter Joint Installation

Findlay Council and Findlay Chapter will hold a joint installation on Tuesday June 21, 2011 at 7:00pm at the Findlay Masonic Temple.

NW Ohio York Rite Festival Sucess

The 2011 Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival was again a success with great attendance in both new and current members. The day provided the opportunity for many to share again in Masonic tradition and fellowship.

Although the weather was inclement outside the spirits inside were not dampened as the proceedings fulfilled a journey for some while a beginning for others.

April Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker for April 5, 2011 will be Gary Wilson. Gary is a featured columnist for the Findlay Courier and will have a presentation after our monthly carry in dinner. The dinner will start at 6:15pm with Gary to speak about 6:30pm.

Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival 2011

The 22nd annual Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival will be held on Saturday, May 14th at the Findlay Masonic Complex. All Chapter and Council degrees and the Commandery Orders will be conferred in full or short form. Dispensations have been granted by the three presiding Grand Officers to allow for a candidate's petition to be received and acted upon that morning. Class namesake for the event is John Clime from Bucyrus, the Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Ohio. He will be in attendance at the festival that day to greet and congratulate each of the candidates. The temple opens at 7:00am for a continental breakfast. See the calendar for the schedule of the days events. Dinner reservations are required, and must be guaranteed. Cost is $10.00 per plate. Contact you Chapter Deputy, Arch Inspector or Deputy Division Commander or you may call Jim McDonald at 419-294-4936, Jim Buckingham at 419-422-7490 or Wayne Dill at 724-782-5204. Presiding officer and secretaries/recorders of constituent York Rite bodies are reminded, that when bringing candidates to the festival, a letter must be provided certifying the candidate(s) is eligible to receive the degrees and/or orders. The letter may be mailed to the Festival Secretary Bruce Basil at 15607 TR 218, Van Buren, OH 45889. The Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival provides the opportunity for a Master Mason to become a member of the York Rite of Freemasonry in just one day. The York Rite tells a complete and cohesive Masonic story, and is essential for a complete understanding of the lessons taught in the Master Mason degree. All Master Masons are encouraged to become York Rite Masons and to "receive that for which you have so long sought!"

March Newsletter & Calendar

A new feature of the site is the calendar of Masonic events for the Findlay Masonic Complex. The calendar will allow for events to be updated as changes or dates occur. Please send an email to to request that a Masonic event be listed.

The work for the Council is still underway for our support of the Diabetic Kids Fund raising for Camp Berry here in Findlay. Planning is ongoing for fund raising events to include a dinner night at the Max and Erma's restaurant, guest speakers at the Masonic Complex and a CAKE (Community Awareness for Kids Education) booth at the Wal-Mart locations as we did last year. Our diabetic kids like CAKE. These events provide an opportunity to inform and educate the public of our support for the Findlay area kids that are diagnosed with diabetes so that they may attend Camp Berry to learn how to live with the disease and gain self-confidence. Our theme for this year is “Hugs & Kisses”.

Our regular stated meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month. During this Council year, we have had guest speakers, a magician and presentations before each of our meetings at the carry in dinner starting at 6:15pm. If you have not attended, you have not only missed great food but also great fellowship, fun and interesting presentations. The recent presentation was on Flag City Honor Flight established in 2010, a non-profit organization dedicated to sending Hancock County and regional veterans to Washington D.C. to see the memorials built and dedicated in their honor. If you are a veteran or know of a veteran, please visit for more information or to volunteer as a guardian on a flight.

The Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival will be held at the Findlay Masonic Complex on Saturday, May 14th beginning at 8:00am. This is an opportunity to reach out to our fellow brothers who have not yet joined us and our Council. See the calendar for more details.

In closing, I thank all the Companions for the opportunity to serve Findlay Council, and yes One Companion can make a difference.
May you have a blessed spring and Easter,
Ron Drebert
Illustrious Master

Findlay Council Awards Night


Findlay Council will be conducting a joint awards night with Findlay Blue Lodge, Findlay Chapter and Findlay Commandery on April 9, 2011. Family members are welcome and encouraged to attend. This will be an evening not to miss, and to honor our fellow brothers for their dedication to the Masonic fraternity and to thank their families for the ongoing support.

More details to come, so check back often.

Findlay Council Inspection

Our annual inspection for Findlay Council will be on Monday, March 14th at 7:30pm in the Royal Master degree. Your attendance is earnestly requested and non speaking parts are available for those wishing to participate. Please support your Council and join us for an evening of fellowship.

December Newsletter

Our year is well under way and in 2011 we must continue to work as a Council to reach and exceed our goals. If you find yourself asking what are our goals and/or how can I help? Join us at our next meeting in January on the 4th for those who seek will find.
The Council Inspections are beginning and with your support Findlay Council #50 will be holding the banner for the 2nd Arch. This is the inaugural year for the Richard L. Harless traveling award, a capture the flag program. The first Council to announce an official visitation will “capture the 2nd Arch Banner” and hold it at their Council until another Council has an official visitation to that Council.
Findlay Council Inspection will be held on Monday, March 14, 2011 at 7:30pm on the Royal Master degree. All companions able to participate are encouraged to attend the January meeting on January 4th to complete the assignment of cast and supporting parts, stage crew etc. This is directed to our inactive companions as your membership and participation is vital to a productive and healthy Council. I ask you, what role will you play? If you have a special program, hobby or interest, now is your opportunity to share with your Council.
Other inspections to mark on your date planner:
December 16th - Lafayette, December 18th -St. Marys & Delphos
January 18th - Kenton, January 22nd - Van Wert, January 31st - Logan
February 9th - Urbana,
March 2nd - Franklin, March 9th - Matchett, March 17th -Sidney
A We Care, We Call program will be instituted to assist companions, their widows and families. If you know of a companion, widow or family in need please let them know we can help.
I want to thank all of the officers for their attendance to date and to those companions who continue to actively support your Council.
This is an open invitation to all companions who have not attended a meeting in some time, your fellowship is welcomed and wanted. Programs are planned along with a dinner before all meetings.
Ron Drebert
Illustrious Master

Reminder for Meeting

Next Meeting for December:

Tuesday December 7th, 2010.
Council will meet at 8:30 PM
Chapter will meet at 7:30 PM
Carry-in dinner at 6:15 PM.
Bring a companion, family, friend or someone who needs a warm meal.

The Second Arch Inspector Andy Vance is scheduled for our Chapter and Council Meetings.

Findlay Inspection Schedule and York Rite Festival


Findlay Council #50 will have our annual inspection on Monday, March 14, 2011 in the Royal Master Degree.

The Super Excellent Master degree will be portrayed on Friday, May 20, 2011. All companions are welcome and your active participation will ensure a successful portrayal.

The Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival will be held at the Findlay Masonic Complex on Saturday May 20, 2011.

All companions are welcome and encouraged to take an active role in the portrayal of the degrees. Please contact Ron Drebert if you are interested in taking a part in this work including non speaking roles, and stage crew.

Reminder: Oct Meeting

Tuesday October 5th, 2010.
Council will meet at 8:30 PM
Chapter will meet at 7:30 PM
Carry-in dinner at 6:15 PM.
Bring a companion, family, friend or someone who needs a warm meal.


The funny eggs can stay home.

181st Annual Assembly of Grand Council

The 181st Annual Assembly of Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons of Ohio will be held at the Convention Center at Kalahari Resort at Sandusky Ohio, Oct 3-5, 2010.
An election will be held of the grand officers

A special thanks to Most Illustrious Companion, William E. Laughlin for his dedication, leadership and service during his term as Grand Master.

Family Day

Family Fun Day at Kalahari Resort
Sandusky, Ohio
Great rates courtesy of Grand Council

Thank you

Thank you Companions for your presence at our first meeting.
Many thanks to those who shared their dishes for a beautiful meal.
Our gratitude to our guest speaker, Sgt Mike Martien, City of Findlay Police Department, for his time and presentation on block watch and other safety issues.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 5th, with a carry in dinner at 6:15pm and new program/guest speaker before our meeting.

Grand Council will be on Monday, October 4th, and Tuesday, October 5th. Please check the Grand Council link for more information.

Welcome Back Companions

Welcome back companions, our first meeting is Tuesday, September 7th.
A carry-in dinner begins at 6:15 PM, with a guest speaker and fellow brother Sergent Martien, slated for 6:45 PM.

Bring your family or a friend or 2 for an enjoyable evening of fellowship.

Findlay Chapter will open at 7:30 PM.
Findlay Council will open at 8:30 PM.

One of our goals this year is to increase our attendance at our meetings.
We are planning for a guest speaker for each meeting.
If you know a brother who has been absent from our meetings, because:
*they may need a ride,
*or may have forgotten which night we meet,
*or they can use a good meal.

Call them and bring them to a meeting.
Please direct any concerns or questions to

Err ...

Ron (left) and Lance "Come Give me a Hug" (right)

Our Hugs and Kisses Campaign

Oscar (left) and Frank (right)

Darl(left) and Skip (right)


From left to right, Ron, Leslii, Victoria and Rick


Oscar (left) and Steve (right)

Ron (left) & Tim (right)

August Reminder

Thank you to all the companions who volunteered for our first Hugs and Kisses Campaign benefiting the Diabetic Kids Camp. Each penny raised is a penny for the kids.

Findlay Council resumes our monthly meetings in September, with our first scheduled for September 7th at 8:30 PM.

A potluck dinner will precede the meeting, please check back for further details (and more funny pictures)

Helping hand

I'll hold you'll spray.... at the dishes


Council Members at Camp