Calendar of Events

Officers 2011-2012

Greetings Companions:
As the newly elected Illustrious Master, I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to serve Findlay Council for the 2011-2012 year.

Your Findlay Council Officers for the year are: Timothy Roth, IM; Charles Insley, Deputy Master; Ron Drebert, PCW; J. Avery Evinger, Treasurer; David Roth, Recorder; Steve Roth, Captain of the Guard; Robert Grandbois, Conductor of Council; Rick Eakin, Steward and Cody Hancock, Sentinel.
Findlay Council will be dark for the months of June, July, and August and will return to full operation on the first Tuesday of September (9/6/11). We hope to see many companions as possible and not just for the first meeting, but all the meetings for the up coming year.

August 5th is the start of the Diabetic Kids Camp at Camp Berry. Please help this worth while cause with support or volunteering at the Camp.
Remember to keep the last week in August open and help Drive the golf carts @ the Fair. All the money earned from driving will be split between the Masonic Bodies. Hope to see as many Companions as possible to help drive. The sign-up sheets will be available at the Complex. All who are planning to drive will be contacted as to a date for a meeting and greet with the Fair Board to go over any concerns or questions. The Fair runs from August 31st thru September 5th.

The web page will still be maintained, and is a great source for information as well as “

See ya in September
Timothy D. Roth, Illustrious Master

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