Calendar of Events

December Newsletter

Our year is well under way and in 2011 we must continue to work as a Council to reach and exceed our goals. If you find yourself asking what are our goals and/or how can I help? Join us at our next meeting in January on the 4th for those who seek will find.
The Council Inspections are beginning and with your support Findlay Council #50 will be holding the banner for the 2nd Arch. This is the inaugural year for the Richard L. Harless traveling award, a capture the flag program. The first Council to announce an official visitation will “capture the 2nd Arch Banner” and hold it at their Council until another Council has an official visitation to that Council.
Findlay Council Inspection will be held on Monday, March 14, 2011 at 7:30pm on the Royal Master degree. All companions able to participate are encouraged to attend the January meeting on January 4th to complete the assignment of cast and supporting parts, stage crew etc. This is directed to our inactive companions as your membership and participation is vital to a productive and healthy Council. I ask you, what role will you play? If you have a special program, hobby or interest, now is your opportunity to share with your Council.
Other inspections to mark on your date planner:
December 16th - Lafayette, December 18th -St. Marys & Delphos
January 18th - Kenton, January 22nd - Van Wert, January 31st - Logan
February 9th - Urbana,
March 2nd - Franklin, March 9th - Matchett, March 17th -Sidney
A We Care, We Call program will be instituted to assist companions, their widows and families. If you know of a companion, widow or family in need please let them know we can help.
I want to thank all of the officers for their attendance to date and to those companions who continue to actively support your Council.
This is an open invitation to all companions who have not attended a meeting in some time, your fellowship is welcomed and wanted. Programs are planned along with a dinner before all meetings.
Ron Drebert
Illustrious Master

Reminder for Meeting

Next Meeting for December:

Tuesday December 7th, 2010.
Council will meet at 8:30 PM
Chapter will meet at 7:30 PM
Carry-in dinner at 6:15 PM.
Bring a companion, family, friend or someone who needs a warm meal.

The Second Arch Inspector Andy Vance is scheduled for our Chapter and Council Meetings.

Findlay Inspection Schedule and York Rite Festival


Findlay Council #50 will have our annual inspection on Monday, March 14, 2011 in the Royal Master Degree.

The Super Excellent Master degree will be portrayed on Friday, May 20, 2011. All companions are welcome and your active participation will ensure a successful portrayal.

The Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival will be held at the Findlay Masonic Complex on Saturday May 20, 2011.

All companions are welcome and encouraged to take an active role in the portrayal of the degrees. Please contact Ron Drebert if you are interested in taking a part in this work including non speaking roles, and stage crew.

Reminder: Oct Meeting

Tuesday October 5th, 2010.
Council will meet at 8:30 PM
Chapter will meet at 7:30 PM
Carry-in dinner at 6:15 PM.
Bring a companion, family, friend or someone who needs a warm meal.


The funny eggs can stay home.

181st Annual Assembly of Grand Council

The 181st Annual Assembly of Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons of Ohio will be held at the Convention Center at Kalahari Resort at Sandusky Ohio, Oct 3-5, 2010.
An election will be held of the grand officers

A special thanks to Most Illustrious Companion, William E. Laughlin for his dedication, leadership and service during his term as Grand Master.

Family Day

Family Fun Day at Kalahari Resort
Sandusky, Ohio
Great rates courtesy of Grand Council

Thank you

Thank you Companions for your presence at our first meeting.
Many thanks to those who shared their dishes for a beautiful meal.
Our gratitude to our guest speaker, Sgt Mike Martien, City of Findlay Police Department, for his time and presentation on block watch and other safety issues.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 5th, with a carry in dinner at 6:15pm and new program/guest speaker before our meeting.

Grand Council will be on Monday, October 4th, and Tuesday, October 5th. Please check the Grand Council link for more information.

Welcome Back Companions

Welcome back companions, our first meeting is Tuesday, September 7th.
A carry-in dinner begins at 6:15 PM, with a guest speaker and fellow brother Sergent Martien, slated for 6:45 PM.

Bring your family or a friend or 2 for an enjoyable evening of fellowship.

Findlay Chapter will open at 7:30 PM.
Findlay Council will open at 8:30 PM.

One of our goals this year is to increase our attendance at our meetings.
We are planning for a guest speaker for each meeting.
If you know a brother who has been absent from our meetings, because:
*they may need a ride,
*or may have forgotten which night we meet,
*or they can use a good meal.

Call them and bring them to a meeting.
Please direct any concerns or questions to

Err ...

Ron (left) and Lance "Come Give me a Hug" (right)

Our Hugs and Kisses Campaign

Oscar (left) and Frank (right)

Darl(left) and Skip (right)


From left to right, Ron, Leslii, Victoria and Rick


Oscar (left) and Steve (right)

Ron (left) & Tim (right)

August Reminder

Thank you to all the companions who volunteered for our first Hugs and Kisses Campaign benefiting the Diabetic Kids Camp. Each penny raised is a penny for the kids.

Findlay Council resumes our monthly meetings in September, with our first scheduled for September 7th at 8:30 PM.

A potluck dinner will precede the meeting, please check back for further details (and more funny pictures)

Helping hand

I'll hold you'll spray.... at the dishes


Council Members at Camp 

Pictures from Camp

Need a shine?

Recommended Links

Findlay Masonic Complex site

Grand Council Royal & Select Masons of Ohio

Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Ohio

Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Ohio

The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar

The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite – Valley of Toledo

The Second Arch – Royal & Select Masons of Ohio

Diabetic Kids Camp

Findlay Council #50

Royal & Select Masons of Ohio
303 Osborn Ave
Findlay OH 45840

Dear Companion,

The Findlay Council #50 Royal & Select Masons of Ohio is requesting your assistance in supporting our 2010-2011 fund raising campaign for the diabetic kids fund. Our goal is to reach $10,000 in donations to sponsor school age children to attend Camp Berry in Findlay, Ohio.

Every penny contributed to the DIABETIC KIDS FUND is used to send children to diabetic camps. The Diabetic Kids Fund provides camper ships to enable needy children to attend camp. At these diabetic camps they learn to take control of their lives while having fun in a recreational camp setting offering biking, swimming, arts & crafts, games, etc. These diabetic children are growing up together learning about diabetes and how to enjoy a productive life.

Six Ohio resident camps for school age children are supported by the Diabetic Kids Fund. They are located near Findlay, Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland and Toledo. Each camp is staffed by pediatric diabetes educators and a complete medical staff of doctors, nurses and dietitian. Trained agency camp personnel select the children to attend camp.

About 1000 kids attend these special camps each year and about half need financial assistance.

Council members have been proud to help children attend these special camps since 1978.

The Diabetic Kids Fund is officially recorded as the Grand Council Benevolent Fund, Inc. by the Internal Revenue Service which issued a letter in 2002 recognizing it as a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible charitable organization. The Fund has no employees. Operation of the Fund is handled entirely by Grand Council volunteers, which permits every penny collected to be used to help a diabetic child.

Checks may be made payable to the Diabetic Kids Fund and sent to the Findlay Masonic Complex, 303 Osborn Ave, Findlay Ohio, 45840. Attention: Findlay Council Diabetic Kids Fund

Diabetic Kids Honors Club

Platinum Level $1000 Awards Recognition Dinner, Plaque, shirt and certificate
Gold Level $500 Awards Recognition Dinner, Plaque and certificate*
Silver Level $250 Awards Recognition Dinner, and certificate*
Bronze Level $100 Certificate of appreciation*
*Additional donations will be given cumulative credit for upper levels

Thank you for your support,

Ron Drebert
Illustrious Master
Findlay Council #50


Greetings Companions,

Our Council is now dark for the summer however we have work on our trestle board before we meet again in September to keep our path bright.

We need to thank Past Illustrious Master Charles Ensley for the excellent job serving the Council over the last year and for the officers elected accepting their roles to lead the Council in the upcoming year.

The Diabetic kids need your help to attend camp this fall, August 20-22, 2010 at Camp Berry. Whether assisting at the camp or preparing a breakfast as many of us have, seeing the kids smiling, enjoying time together while they learn to live with the disease and gain self-confidence is all the reward that one needs. One of the goals for Findlay Council this year is to increase our contributions by 10% over last year, thus planning is ongoing to conduct a “Hugs & Kisses” fund raising at local businesses to accept donations and in return the donor will receive a Hershey's Hug or Kiss. Will your help sponsor one kid more for camp? One Companion can make a difference.

A second goal is to provide Companions value for the time of fellowship and learning while attending our meetings. The Grand Council is providing for a venue to offer topics of not only Masonic in nature, but also may include Council, health, historical programs, music and hobbies. Do you have a special program, hobby or interest, if so now is your opportunity to share one. One Companion can make a difference.

This ties closely into our third goal to increase our meeting attendance and our fourth to gain membership in our Council. As interest in our meetings and special programs grows so will our attendance and membership. I call on every Companion to actively participate and contribute by attending Council on a regular basis. For those Companions currently active seek a Companion who you know hasn't attended or may simply need a ride to come join with us. One Companion can make a difference.

In closing, I thank all the Companions for the opportunity to serve Findlay Council, and yes One Companion can make a difference.

May you have a blessed summer,

Ron Drebert

Illustrious Master