Calendar of Events


Greetings Companions,

Our Council is now dark for the summer however we have work on our trestle board before we meet again in September to keep our path bright.

We need to thank Past Illustrious Master Charles Ensley for the excellent job serving the Council over the last year and for the officers elected accepting their roles to lead the Council in the upcoming year.

The Diabetic kids need your help to attend camp this fall, August 20-22, 2010 at Camp Berry. Whether assisting at the camp or preparing a breakfast as many of us have, seeing the kids smiling, enjoying time together while they learn to live with the disease and gain self-confidence is all the reward that one needs. One of the goals for Findlay Council this year is to increase our contributions by 10% over last year, thus planning is ongoing to conduct a “Hugs & Kisses” fund raising at local businesses to accept donations and in return the donor will receive a Hershey's Hug or Kiss. Will your help sponsor one kid more for camp? One Companion can make a difference.

A second goal is to provide Companions value for the time of fellowship and learning while attending our meetings. The Grand Council is providing for a venue to offer topics of not only Masonic in nature, but also may include Council, health, historical programs, music and hobbies. Do you have a special program, hobby or interest, if so now is your opportunity to share one. One Companion can make a difference.

This ties closely into our third goal to increase our meeting attendance and our fourth to gain membership in our Council. As interest in our meetings and special programs grows so will our attendance and membership. I call on every Companion to actively participate and contribute by attending Council on a regular basis. For those Companions currently active seek a Companion who you know hasn't attended or may simply need a ride to come join with us. One Companion can make a difference.

In closing, I thank all the Companions for the opportunity to serve Findlay Council, and yes One Companion can make a difference.

May you have a blessed summer,

Ron Drebert

Illustrious Master

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